Joao Gilberto I WISH YOU LOVE-Que reste-t-il de nos amours?

I just find out that the song that i love so much is originally a french song. For me, the English version is beyond magical. I love the lyric so much, hits me in every way but the French version is very simple yet touch deeply too.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Que reste-t-il de nos amours?” (translated: “What is left of our loves?”) is a French popular song, with lyrics by Charles Trenet.

The song is best known to English-speaking audiences as the source for the music of the song “I Wish You Love.”
For that song, new lyrics were written by Albert A. Beach.

The song was used extensively in the François Truffaut film Stolen Kisses, its French title, Baisers volés, having been taken from the song’s lyrics.

Que reste-t-il de nos amours

Ce soir
Le vent qui frappe à ma porte
Me parle des amours mortes
Devant le feu qui s’éteint

Ce soir
C’est une chanson d’automne
Dans la maison qui frissonne
Et je pense aux jours lointains

Que reste-t-il de nos amours
Que reste-t-il de ces beaux jours
Une photo, vieille photo
De ma jeunesse

Que reste-t-il des billets doux
Des mois d’avril, des rendez-vous
Un souvenir qui me poursuit
Sans cesse

Bonheur fané, cheveux au vent
Baisers volés, rêves mouvants
Que reste-t-il de tout cela

Un petit village, un vieux clocher
Un paysage si bien caché
Et dans un nuage le cher visage
De mon passé

English Translation – What remains of our love?

this night [tonight]
the wind that knocks at my door
talks to me of dead loves
before [in front of] the fire which is going out

this night
it is a song of autumn
in the house that shivers
and I think of days long ago [gone by]

what remains of our love?
what remains of those beautiful days?
a photo, old photo
of my childhood [youth]

what remains of the love-tellers?
of the month of april, of those meetings?
a memory [rememberance] that pursues me

faded happiness, hair blowing in the breeze
stolen kisses, shifting [moving] dreams
what remains of all that?
tell me

a little village, an old steeple [or village or church tower]
a countryside so well hidden
and in a cloud, the dear face
of my lost one

the French version
